Me and Mara Verhoogt collaborated under the artist duo ‘Hora’ on sculpting the candle and then performing a ritual. We lit the candle while reciting the following speech.
Let’s light this candle for the dead
Let’s remember our grief
Let’s feel this pain together for what we’ve lost can never be restored
Now let’s put this grief to rest.
Let it sleep so that we may begin to repair
We do not despair.
We stay with this earth and embody its healing.
Let the wax drip like the tears of our friends, the birds and the trees and the girls and the bees.
Under crushing pressure, let us become fluid and seep through the cracks
Let us become the rain and the rivers, the sap that flows through the veins of a tree
Let our bodies twist and morph as we invent new ways of being
Let us drip, let us flow, let us melt together.
Let this candle burn for all that is still living, crawling, breathing, growing
Let it light our way as we tunnel through
Let it burn our fear and fuel our rage
With each drip of wax, one healing seed will land and mend the earth.
Let our words ripple through the fabric of the world and restore
Let them cast threads and spin webs
We mend, we tend, we nurture, wrap the earth in bandages of silk
We forgive each other, we forgive ourselves so we can act without revenge
And now we heal!
✒ Mara Verhoogt
Natural soy wax
For Livia Rita’s concert at Avalon Cafe in london
June 2022
Exhibition text: FUTURA Glitch - Livia Rita X Local artists and rituals
7:00pm - 10:00 pm
/ Livia Rita shares FUGA FUTURA; A concert cross-pollinating mystic eco-pop and creature ArtFashion with nature rituals performed by local artists to create an evening of collective reverie together with the Avantgardeners Community.